Meeting Marisa

Meeting Marisa kind of came about in an unconventional way. We had been emailing back and forth talking about my crazy life recently I really appreciated her advice and encouragement. With my sudden return to the US I knew it would be a good thing to meet up in person after all this time. So on Saturday Marisa and her husband Al drove all the way from Philly to Lancaster to meet with me : )
We met up for coffee at the Prince Street Cafe in downtown Lancaster. Afterwards we headed to a little town called Lititiz before making a final stop at Target. It had been AGES since I've been to a Target (last time was around Christmas) and it kind of shocked me at how large it was! I guess memories fade over time, even if they're of your favorite store :D
Are those two the cutest? Marisa is a master at accessorizing the outfit, or as I like to say "frosting the outfit" and putting on the final touches. We took a lot of pictures and you can see more over at her blog.
This is the first outfit post I've done in a long while and I posted it because I think it's more accurately representing the kind of style I want to personally turn into. Simple mute colors in navy, gray, tans, and beiges. Not too much frills, just some good basics. I ordered these shoes a couple months ago but because I was abroad I didn't get them until now.  It was a pleasant surprise to come home to :)

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Maira Gall