by David duChemin
There are some books out there that just change your mindset. As you know I moonlight as a photographer and I mostly shoot portraits, weddings, and engagements. However I've been wanting to take my photography to the next level. I graduate my four year college in May and I want to devote even more time to studying photography and finding a fresh way to translate my vision into a frame. This book is helping me in every way with this.
 The photos are moving and the text is right on and filled with passion. It's so good I can barely put it down!
I've been working on a list of books I've read over the past few months and will hopefully have that post published soon! It's probably more for me than for the sake of being interesting, but it's nice to have a record of the books I've read : ) I guess that's the nerd flaring up in me.

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Maira Gall