When Life Happens

It's funny how life comes at ya all at once, all of the sudden.

It seems like my Instagram has become a pseudo mini-blog when I'm not able to find time to sit down and draft up proper posts. But in a way, that suits my busy life as of late.

About two weeks ago my Mom came to town. It was my wish for my birthday that she make the trip from Colorado to Philadelphia to help me put the finishing touches on my home that I bought this past summer. This is my first time being a homeowner and I've never had to decorate anything bigger then a three bedroom apartment so I needed her expertise in this area to help make decisions.

We spent a few days thrifting in Lancaster and once we were back in Philly I took her to all my favorite spots to eat. My place is really starting to come together! Just waiting on a few more large furniture pieces to come in this week, and a couple of DIY projects to complete this weekend (thanks for the help Dad!). I'll try to snap some pictures of the finished product.

Right after my Mom left Philly for Colorado I drove to Lancaster to spend the week with my Grandma who had a quadruple bypass heart surgery. The whole thing came about quickly and was an emotional time for the entire family, so I was happy to be on hand to help and spend some extra time with a woman I really hold dear and admire.

Now I'm back in Colorado as part of a huge surprise for my Mom's 50th birthday. Since we're a family of 10, it's hard to get us all together in once place. It hasn't happened for over a year (where not one person was missing) so we all pulled together and came to Colorado from across the country to surprise Mom for her 50th birthday. Much to our (and Mom's) happiness it was a success! We spent the past few days soaking up the sun and enjoying the perfect weather and beautiful landscape.  Tomorrow I head home and can't wait to see my pups!

And that's it for the mini-update. But tell me about you! Where have you been, what have you been up to?

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Maira Gall