The Best Weekends Are The Ones Without Signal

Whenever I’m able to get away for a little bit, even just for the weekend, I feel more like myself. 

My favorite places are ones without any phone signal. Back in the real world everyone is always connected and distracted by their phone. It’s great to go to the woods and be with one another away from blue lit screens. 

My anxiety goes down, and I start to feel human again.

Working in online media, I have no choice but to stay abreast on all things internet. The latest trends in video marketing, recent changes in social media platforms, constantly thinking on how to create the next best successful content. It’s exciting sure, but it’s also exhausting. 

I love the feeling of laughing around the fire, of sharing food and sharing space. 

This weekend was a good one, let’s do it again soon.

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Maira Gall