5 Great Books By Babes

My friend Hannah and I recently started a book club focused on female memoirs. As you know, I'm a huge fan of this genre and am so excited to gather bi-weekly with ladies who share this interest. Since this topic has been on my mind lately (and on my bookshelf) I wanted to share with you 5 great books written by babes that have quickly become favorites.

Shrill: Notes From A Loud Woman
by Lindy West

This was our first selection at book club. Lindy West is a writer and contributor to This American Life. I first came across her name while listening to the podcast entitled Hello, I Am Fat. I was sitting on an airplane flying back from Alaska and was captivated the entire time. Lindy speaks unapologetically and candid honesty about being a woman, a feminist and fat. I'm so thankful for voices like hers out in the world making a difference and speaking up for women everywhere. This is a definite must-read for the modern day feminist.

Sex Object: A Memoir
by Jessica Valenti

This is something all women can relate to: sexual objectification. Jessica Valenti is the co-founder of, a website for young feminists discussing everything from pop culture to politics. In this memoir she talks about being a woman in the world and basically all the shit that comes with that.
Sex Object explores the painful, funny, embarrassing, and sometimes illegal moments that shaped Valenti's adolescence and young adulthood in New York City, revealing a much shakier inner life than the confident persona she has cultivated as one of the most recognizable feminists of her generation.
If you love this book, then check out Jessica's podcast What Would A Feminist Do. It's my new obsession.

All The Single Ladies: Unmarried Women and the Rise of an Independent Nation
by Rebecca Traister

It's good to know where you come from - women today are directly benefiting from the efforts of so many brave women in history. This book tells the stories of so many inspiring women who spoke out, didn't settle for less, and pursued change relentlessly to better the lives of women. In my opinion, this book is a must-read.

Year Of Yes
by Shonda Rhimes

Shonda Rhimes is a force to be reckoned with. She is the creator, head writer and executive producer of three successful shows: Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice and Scandal. In this book Shonda shares her journey through a transformative year of saying yes to everything instead of saying no. This lead to a full life with rich experiences and balanced happiness. It really inspired me to seek new opportunities and don't let fear hold me back.

Spinster: Making a Life of One's Own
by Kate Bolick

I have to admit at first I didn't want to be seen reading this book in public. The word spinster has so much shame and taboo surrounding it that I didn't want that random person in the park thing I was secretly a cat hoarder eating TV dinners every night. But I quickly got over that once I cracked open this book. In Spinster Kate explores the pleasures of reaming single and why over 100 million American women are also choosing to do the same. She introduces us to six women who dared to construct their lives on their own terms. Inspiring and encouraging for single women everywhere. We could all use some more of that, right?

I would love to hear what memoirs you are reading these days. 
Do you have a favorite? Tell me in the comments!

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