Style Files: Patterns Mixed

With this outfit I wasn't sure whether I liked the bet with the outfit or without.  Here are the comparison pictures:
With Belt
Without Belt

So what's the verdict?  I think I'm kind of liking it without the belt, but in reality this skirt really needs a belt to stay up on my waist (see how it's kind of sagging in the pictures?).

In other news I'm really liking my new lens : ) I want to do some portraits with it soon.  The bokeh is amazing!


  1. Babe, I think I like it with the belt. The belt just seems to complete the look and it adds a pop of color.


  2. Yes, Adalie, I can't wait to post some pictures from it! Hopefully they are good.

  3. I think the with the belt look looks more chic! Look that skirt though.

  4. I actually really like it with the belt, your waist looks tiny with it! I love the pattern mixing too, so awesome! Lovely blog!

  5. Keep the belt! It pulls everything together (literally, too!). The patterns look great together.

  6. Love it with the belt! It gives the outfit that sort of finished look. The colors are great on you too lady:]

  7. It's cute both ways, but I have a thing for belts : )

  8. I like with the belt! It gives it all... something. :)

  9. I like it without the belt, although I think it would look really good with a blue belt or something like that. Although I realize it's annoying when people say that and you're left thinking, "I don't have a blue belt or the desire to buy one."

  10. Email - I actually have this same belt in blue and was going to use it but couldn't find it! :D


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Maira Gall